Use these MH Letters and Forms to aid in discussions/education about Malignant Hyperthermia with your family, healthcare professionals, schools, and insurance companies. You may also order a hard copy of some to be shipped to you, from our online store.
PDF Format.
Use to request prior authorization for genetic testing from insurance companies. PDF format.
This is a sample letter an MH-susceptible individual could send to his/her local hospital(s). Its purpose is to advise the hospital(s) there is an MH-susceptible individual/family in the area and to determine whether the hospital is adequately prepared to treat MH. PDF format.
Sample letter to insurance company, explaining the reasons for and the implications of the muscle biopsy requested. PDF format.
Sample letter to the hospital's medical records department. PDF format.
Use to aid discussions about Malignant Hyperthermia with insurance companies. PDF format.
Malignant Hyperthermia student care plan for schools. PDF format.
The Malignant Hyperthermia susceptible student - a guide for teachers. PDF format.
Sample letter to family members regarding susceptibility to MH. PDF format.
Questions to help you prepare for a patient's upcoming procedure.