MHAUS is proud to offer the following services:
MH Hotline Consultants help healthcare professionals manage an MH crisis via the MH Hotline, which is a free service offered by MHAUS. Consultants volunteer their time to be available 24-hours a day for a two-week period. There are three Hotline Consultants scheduled at any given time.
MHAUS has partnered with the MedicAlert Foundation to offers MH patients complete medical identification items.
The Patient Liaison Committee (PLC) serves the needs of MH-susceptible individuals and their family. The members provide educational materials, access to MH expert consultants, and a support network. It functions as an outreach for one-on-one contacts for individuals who would like to talk to someone with similar experience.
NMSIS serves as an international resource center for knowledge on neuroleptic malignant syndrome in addition to other heat-related disorders and drug side effects.
The North American MH Registry (NAMHR) was established in 1987 and merged with the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS) in 1995 so that data on MH could be stored in a site that is supported by one organization to offer greater support for research initiatives.
For healthcare professionals only. Please note it can take up to 24 hours to respond to your inquiry. The answers from an MH expert are their personal professional opinion and may not wholly represent the views of the Professional Advisory Council of MHAUS. Ask us, we are here to help you!