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Outside NA: 001-209-417-3722

Transferring Care of Malignant Hyperthermia Patients Discussed at Ambulatory Surgical Center Association Annual Meeting

Newswise — Preparation is the best plan for Malignant Hyperthermia emergencies, and The Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States will be at the Ambulatory Surgery Center Annual Meeting, May 19-22, to answer questions about how medical facilities can best prepare for an MH emergency.

The newest information to keep patients and medical facilities safer from Malignant Hyperthermia emergencies will be on display, the Transfer of Care Guidelines, which was developed in partnership by the Ambulatory Surgery Foundation and MHAUS, and offer guidance to Ambulatory Surgical Centers on how they might develop their own MH transfer plan.

Also on display at the MHAUS booth #206 will be the Emergency Therapy for MH Protocol poster, the MH Mock Drill Kit, recommendations on how to stock an MH Cart, and how much of the antidote a medical facility should have available to manage an MH emergency.

Contact MHAUS to meet with staff outside of meeting hours.

Malignant Hyperthermia is an inherited disorder of muscle which is "triggered" by commonly used volatile gaseous anesthesia and can result in death in minutes, unless the patient receives rapid emergency therapy from medical professionals trained to recognize and treat MH quickly.

A patient’s response to anesthesia includes: a rise in heart rate, greatly increased body metabolism, muscle rigidity and/or fever that may exceed 110 degree Fahrenheit; complications can include cardiac arrest, brain damage, internal bleeding and other body system failure. Without emergency therapy for MH, the patient has a greater than 85% chance of death.

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are key to reducing morbidity and mortality related to MH. MH may occur at any time during an anesthetic whether in an ambulatory surgery center, a hospital, or an office-based surgery suite.

A large variety of programs have been developed by the Professional Advisory Council at MHAUS in order to increase awareness of the syndrome and its manifestations. These include a 24-hour telephone service staffed by MH experts to help medical professionals manage MH emergencies, the Emergency Therapy Protocol for MH poster, procedure manuals, training materials, conferences, awards and scholarships, exhibits at medical meetings, speakers bureau, and variety of publications, and patient safety supplies.

MH tragedies have devastated families, medical professionals' careers, and medical facilities alike, but it does not have to --- MH emergencies are manageable if the medical professionals involved are ready for it!

The mission of MHAUS is to promote optimum care and scientific understanding of MH and related disorders.

Learn more at: http://www.mhaus.org

The mission of MHAUS is to promote optimum care and
scientific understanding of MH and related disorders.