Newswise — SHERBURNE, NY, MAY 16, 2011 – Rare Anesthesia Reaction Conference in Ottawa Ontario. Medical professionals, patients and families can learn the basics on how recognize, diagnose, and treat Malignant Hyperthermia at a one-day Malignant Hyperthermia conference happening from 10 am to 4 pm June 4 at The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus located in Ottawa Ontario
Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) is an inherited muscle disorder triggered by certain types of anesthesia that may cause a fast-acting life-threatening crisis. The incidence of MH is low, but, if untreated, the mortality rate is high. Great advances in our understanding of MH have been made since it was first recognized in the early 1960s, but the nature of the fundamental defect(s) is still unknown.
To see video about the conference and to register go to: or for details contact MHAUS by email at: [email protected] or by phone at: 607-674-7901
Conference is sponsored by the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States in conjunction with MH Investigation Unit Department of Anesthesiology at The Ottawa Hospital.
Upon completion participants will be able to: 1) Identify the signs and symptoms of an MH event. 2) Enforce quick treatment regimen for MH event. 3) Explain the response plant for an MH event to other medical staff. 4) State proper patient safety steps to take in preparation for an MH-susceptible patient. 5) Discuss MH testing options with patients and assist them in seeking further information. There are four education credits available.
Daniel Chartrand, MD. Anesthesiologist at Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Montreal, Quebec
Dianne Daugherty, Executive Director of Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States
Clair Goldsmith MSc, CCGC, Genetic Counselor at Children’s Hospital of Easter Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario
Victor Neira, MD, Pediatric Anesthesiologist at Children’s Hospital of Easter Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario
Kevin Nolan, MD, Anesthesiologist and Director of MH Investigations Unit at Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Ottawa, Ontario
Founding in 1981 MHAUS promotes optimum care and scientific understanding of MH and related disorders by encouraging medical professionals and patients and families to prepare for MH through education and testing, and providing life-saving services such as the MH 24-hour Hotline.