MHAUS: 44 Years of Patient Safety!
"I remember very well when Dick Hillman and Shari Williams came to visit me in Philadelphia around 1997 to propose the idea of adding an NMS component to extend the mission of MHAUS to other heat-related disorders, They were both wonderful about it, and their enthusiasm was infectious. I had already been collaborating with Dr. Rosenberg on studies of the relationship between MH and NMS, and with his support and the hard work of Dick, Shari and all the staff at MHAUS, we were able to establish the services of NMSIS."
-- Stanley N. Caroff, MD
Chief, Inpatient Service
Philadelphia VA Medical Center, Professor of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
"My wife and I wish to use the wisdom gained from our experience to implement some benefit toward the awareness of NMS."
-- Nickey Shah
The Mission of the Patient Liaison Committee is to serve the needs of MH-susceptible individuals and family members by providing not only educational materials but also access to MH expert consultants and a support network.
Molecular genetic testing is a form of analysis of a person's DNA to determine if he/she harbors specific mutations that have been associated with a disease. A change in a gene, known as a mutation, can cause that gene not to work properly. One virtue of genetic testing is that DNA can be extracted from cells that are found in a blood sample. Expensive and invasive techniques need not be used to obtain a DNA sample.