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Dr. Gerald Gronert

Dr. Gerald Gronert 

"In 1970 he focused his research on Malignant Hyperthermia, a severe and potentially fatal reaction to anesthesia. MH is now the focus of the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS). Dr. Gronert regularly worked the MH hotline, initiated test sites, and mentored numerous MH investigators. In 1986 he joined the University of California at Davis."

Read Dr. Gronert's Full Obituary Here

We are extremely saddened by the loss of Dr. Gronert - a pioneer in the MH community. 

Some comments from those who knew him: 

"I was also very sad to hear of Dr. Gerry Gronert’s passing. He did groundbreaking work in MH, he was an excellent clinician, and a most valuable mentor. We stayed in touch until about a year ago. He will be missed in the anesthesia community." ~ A.M. 

"I am so sorry to learn about Gerry.  He was of great help to me in my early years of MH involvement." ~ N.P.

"I cannot overstate how elemental Gerry’s influence was on my career. I spent the first 5 days of residency training with him, doing mask inductions with halothane for most cases.  It was quite the introduction! I run the lab here at UCDavis because of him.  He encouraged me to become an ABA examiner.  He and his wife Pat were our good friends.  He was smart, self effacing and generous.  I will miss him." ~ T. T. 

"When Gerry was a kid growing up on the Southwest side of Chicago, he worked for my great uncle (or maybe it was great-great-uncle) helping to delivery milk in a horse-drawn milk wagon. He and my mother figured this out when they met many years later—she a PACU nurse at St. Mary’s in Rochester. They went to the same high school, although he was a bit ahead of her. And then we connected again when I joined the MH world!" ~ C.W. 

"Very sad news, he got me started into MH when I was at Mayo!" ~ P.I. 

"So Gerry Gronert was one of the key professors that shaped my life.  I was trained at Mayo Rochester, knew him very well and had been around his labs with the MH swine." ~ B.S.

"I am so sorry for Gerry's passing. He was a generous, empathic, and enthusiastic member of the anesthesia and MH community.  When I started doing research on the molecular mechanism of dantrolene, we used to meet at meetings and sit for hours discussing data, and theories of meaning. He was an excellent teacher and colleague even though we never worked at the same institution. He was unselfish and a joy to be around. He will be sorely missed. May his spirit inspire us all." ~J.P.

"Sad passing of a mentor to all.  Our condolences to family." ~A.H.

"Sorry to hear of his passing. He will be missed." ~ T.K. 

"Passing of a giant." ~ L.S.

"So sad – we need to honor him." ~ K.B.

"Gerry was the ultimate teacher, he helped establish the program at UCLA, was so generous with his time and teaching. He will be missed." ~ J.M.

"Sad to learn that Gerry passed! He taught me a lot, came to give grand rounds at A.I DuPont where I work, spent an evening with my family at that visit as well. I am sure he is looking over us and cheering us on!" ~ M.T. 

"I mourn the passing of my good friend, mentor, and colleague.  He was both wise and brilliant." ~ M.L.

"I, too, am deeply saddened to learn of his untimely passing. Gerry was giant in MH field, as well as a tremendous mentor and good friend to many of us." ~ R.D. 

"A great loss!" ~ C.W. 


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